book an appointment



We do immediate dental X-rays. We accept new patients to our daily clinic, including children. Does your wisdom tooth hurt? Book an appointment with us, we won't keep you waiting long. Appointments for dental and implantology procedures are booked during consultations on TUESDAY 9:00 - 11:00 h and THURSDAY from 14:00 till 16:00 h.

We have a contract
with all insurance companies
Contact information

Where to find us

SK Dental Clinic A

Dental clinic and emergency: +421 948 131 080
Dental clinic and emergency: +421 903 131 084

SK Dental Clinic B

Dental clinic: +421 910 131 115
Dental clinic: +421 948 131 115

Novomestská 8,
917 01 Trnava

We accept credit cards


Office hours

  • Monday: 17:00 - 22:00
  • Tuesday: 17:00 - 22:00
  • Wednesday: 17:00 – 22:00
  • Thursday: 17:00 - 22:00
  • Friday: 15:00 - 22:00
  • Saturday: 10:00 - 20:00
  • Sunday: 10:00 - 20:00*
  • * We also work during holidays.
  • Tuesday /consultations/: 9:00 - 11:00
  • Tuesday /surgeries/: 11:00 - 16:00
  • Thursday /surgeries/: 09:00 - 14:00
  • Thursday /consultations/: 14:00 - 16:00
  • Monday: 7:30 - 15:30
  • Tuesday: 7:30 - 15:30
  • Wednesday: 7:30 - 15:30
  • Thursday: 7:30 - 15:30
  • Friday: 7:30 - 13:30


they will be happy to help you

Our team

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MDr. Maroš Kamenický

Dental Surgery

He graduated from the Faculty of Medicine in dentistry. UPJŠ in Košice in 2014. During his studies, he attended training courses and congresses at home and abroad. He began his practice in September 2014. In 2015, he became a co-founder and professional guarantor of SK Dental s.r.o. - a dental emergency in Trnava, whose branches gradually expanded to Žilina. , Prešov and Bratislava. He completed an internship at the Clinic of Maxillofacial Surgery in Bratislava and the Implant Academy in Piešťany. He is constantly educating himself in his field. He specializes in dental surgery and implantology.
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MDDr. Michal Strakoš

Expert guarantor SK Dental Clinic Trnava
Restorative dentistry

He completed his studies in dentistry in 2019 at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Bratislava. During his studies at the university, he completed numerous theoretical and practical courses at home and abroad. He also worked as a trainer in preventive programs in the field of oral health. Since 2019, he has been an integral part of the team and a professional guarantor of SK Dental Clinic Trnava, where he leads a team of dentists. His focus is endodontics and restorative dentistry, while he constantly improves his skills by participating in training courses and professional seminars. You can also find him at the dental emergency room, where will be happy to help you get rid of your toothache.
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MDDr. Martin Šimo

Expert guarantor SK Dental Clinic Trnava
Restorative dentistry
Dental implantology

He completed his dental studies in 2014 at the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava. During his studies, he attended courses and congresses at home and abroad. He began his practice as an internship in 2012. Since 2014, he has been working independently as an employee in a district clinic. In 2017, he founded his own private dental clinic DentiSimo s.r.o., which grew in 2019. During 2022, he decided to join forces with the SK Dental Clinic team, and thus became a professional guarantor and partner in the newly opened joint clinic, where he leads a team of dentists. He is constantly learning and improving in his field. He specializes in general dentistry, but he is especially interested in dental prosthetics and dental implantology.
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MDDr. Veronika Kapitánová

Restorative dentistry

She completed her studies in dentistry in 2017 at the MUNI Faculty of Medicine in Brno. Under the guidance of top trainers, she trained at accredited professional workplaces during her studies. She completed professional practice at home and abroad. Since 2018, she has been working in a day clinic. She specializes in pedodontology, aesthetic dentistry and prosthetics. She regularly educates herself, attends professional trainings and seminars.
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MDDr . Ľuboš Leško

Dental Surgery

In 2019, he graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava. During his studies completed various dental trainings, internships,both practical and theoretical within Slovakia and abroad. He focuses on restorative dentistry, endodontics, and expands his knowledge and practice in dentoalveolar surgery. He has been part of the SK Dental Clinic Trnava team since 2019. He will help you with dental problems in the day and emergency clinic. He regularly attends professional training and seminars. He puts precision into his work to bring above-standard satisfaction to the patient.
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MDDr. Stanislav Matúš

Restorative dentistry

He completed his studies at the Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava. During his studies, he participated in many educational workshops and congresses, and was one of the trainers of proper dental hygiene in children and adults. He will be happy to help you with dental problems in the daily dental clinic. He constantly improves his knowledge and skills in practice through continuous education, regular participation in professional training and seminars. In his work, he is guided by the motto - quality is more important than quantity.
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MDDr. Mária Novák

Restorative dentistry

In 2019, she completed her studies in dentistry at the Faculty of Dentistry of the Slovak University of Applied Sciences in Bratislava. During her studies, she participated in seminars and training courses within Slovakia. After completing her studies, she worked in Bratislava. Since 2022, she has been part of the SK Dental Clinic Trnava team. She regularly participates in congresses and practical workshops. In the day clinic, she specializes in Restorative dentistry, endodontics and prosthetics. She will also be happy to help you with dental problems in the emergency clinic. In her work, she emphasizes a human approach and professionalism.
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MDDr. Alexandra Prekopová

Restorative dentistry

She graduated from the Faculty of Dentistry of the Slovak University of Medical Sciences in Bratislava. During her studies, she enriched her theoretical knowledge at various professional seminars and gained practical experience through internships in several dental clinics in Slovakia. She will be happy to help you with any difficulties in the day clinic focused primarily on Restorative dentistry. She improves her skills in practice through continuous education, attending professional training and workshops. Her work is based on a human approach, the quality of care provided and patient satisfaction.
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MDDr. Barbara Šišková

Restorative dentistry

She graduated from the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Prague in the field of dentistry. During her studies, she practiced in several dental clinics, attended theoretical and practical courses, and congresses in Slovakia. She continues to educate and expand her knowledge in the field of dentistry by actively participating in seminars and professional training. She has been part of the SK Dental Clinic Trnava team since 2023. Her work focuses mainly on the field of restorative dentistry, endodontics and prosthetics. In case of acute problems, she will be happy to help you not only in the day clinic, but also in the emergency room.
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MDDr. Frederik Hell

Restorative Dentistry

She graduated from the Faculty of Medicine, Charles University, with honors in dentistry. During his studies, he completed various theoretical and practical courses, and was also a member of the Slovak Association of Physical Education. He continues to educate himself regularly and learns new things.she tries to incorporate the acquired knowledge into her daily practice. Since 2023, she has been part of SK Dental Clinic Trnava. She mainly focuses on Restorative dentistry, including endodontics and prosthetics. Her priority is precise and painless patient treatment.
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MDDr. Lucia Lenčéšová

Restorative dentistry

She completed her studies in dentistry at the Faculty of Medicine MUNI in Brno. During her studies, she completed professional practice in Slovakia and the Czech Republic. She continues to regularly educate herself and expand her knowledge by participating in congresses and practical workshops. Since 2023, she has been part of SK Dental Clinic Trnava. In the day clinic, she mainly focuses on Restorative dentistry, endodontics and prosthetics. She will be happy to help you with dental problems even in the emergency room. Her priority in treating patients is painlessness, precision and a pleasant atmosphere.
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Bc. Patrícia Horváthová

Dental Hygiene

She completed her university education in 2022 at the FZO in Prešov in the field of dental hygiene. During her studies, she was a trainer for two years in a preventive program that was regularly implemented with children in kindergartens and elementary schools. She constantly improves her knowledge and skills in practice through continuous education, regular participation in professional training and seminars. She considers the profession she has chosen as her life's mission and focuses on her work as much as she can. She tries to be a precise and kind professional who carefully treats, motivates and instructs on how to best care for her own teeth.
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Ing. Bc. Barbara Kožíková

Dental Hygiene

In 2016, she graduated from the University of Economics in Bratislava, and her later passion for working in a dental clinic led her to study dental hygiene at the Faculty of Dentistry and Secondary Education of the Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava. She graduated in 2024 and became part of the SK Dental Clinic Trnava team. Her goal is to provide patients with quality treatment with an empathetic approach. She emphasizes assistance in oral health care with regard to prevention and prophylaxis. She regularly participates in professional training and tries to implement new knowledge into practice.
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Bc. Peter Jašurek

Dental Hygiene

In 2021, he completed his studies in dental hygiene at the FZO in Prešov. During his studies, in addition to participating in training courses and congresses, he was actively involved in imparting knowledge about oral health in primary and kindergarten schools. He regularly participates in professional training courses. He is part of the SK Dental Clinic Bratislava and Trnava team. His goal is to help patients improve their dental care.

Zuby na splátky

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Stomatologický zákrok si môže dovoliť naozaj každý. Nové zuby si u nás môžete zaobstarať už aj na splátky! Veľakrát sa stáva, že pacienti zanedbajú chýbajúce zuby. Stomatológovia sa zhodujú v tom, že by mal byť nahradený každý jeden zub /nielen kvôli estetickej, ale predovšetkým kvôli funkčnej a zdravotnej stránke/.
Chýbajúce zuby častokrát komplikujú prežúvanie potravy, ovplyvňujú aj mimiku alebo výslovnosť. Vo všeobecnosti teda platí, že keď človek príde len o jediný zub, narušený je celý chrup.

Čo robiť, keď vám zubár za opravu vášho chrupu vyčísli sumu, ktorú si aktuálne nemôžete dovoliť? Navštívte našu kliniku v Trnave, kde vám po konzultácii s vami a dôkladnom vyšetrení navrhneme finančný plán, ktorý vám bude pripravený na mieru. Nové zuby na splátky sa tak môžu stať realitou aj pre Vás.

Na splátky môžete mať aj keramické zuby či nejaký finančne náročnejší zákrok - spoločne nájdeme riešenie.
Aby ste nemali starosti navyše s vybavovaním úveru, diskrétne stretnutie so zástupcom banky vám sprostredkujeme my.

Dlhodobá investícia do zdravia

Na základe finančného plánu, ktorý získate, tak budete mať presný prehľad o rozložení vášho financovania za nové zuby na splátky. Postup je rovnaký, ako napríklad pri žiadaní úveru na auto či na nábytok. V tomto prípade akurát neinvestujete do materiálnych vecí, ale do zdravia – najcennejšieho čo máme.

Tu si môžete vypočítať výšku vašej pôžičky